neděle 11. května 2014

Sooooo it's official

I thought that love over the internet just does not exist. What a mistake!
On Thursday, May 8 2014, at 10:52 am accurately, certain event confirmed that it does. It really does!
"The One" became dear Mrs. Mette Busk just because of one e-mail where he very personally via an automatically generated text congratulated to me. He also wrote he's so much "happy to inform me that I have been conditionally admitted to one of the programmes offered by Business Academy Aarhus".

After almost neverending waiting - at first for an interview and then for the decision, it was so liberating. Three VERY long days was I checking and refreshing Gmail on both of my smarthphones (as if each gave me different information) as crazy and whenever note "Unread: 1" had appeared, I repeated to myself: "Now it must be BAAA!"
And never was.
Until That Thursday.
I was alone in my dormitory room when "Unread: 1" appeared and I knew for the millionth time it is The E-mail. When I saw that i really WAS The E-mail I was waiting for, my hands started shaking, my knees became gellatine immediately and I didn't really know if I want to open this e-mail and read it.
The subject said "Letter of Intent - Chemical and Biotechnical Science". Oh gosh, sounds so official!
Then I clicked.
My eyes just briskly glanced over it and caught the word "Congratulations!". And I knew.
My life's about to change so damn much.

And that's the main reason I decided to create this blog. I just wanna look and read all these articles, photos, feelings and all the stuff when I am older. Or share my feeling and experiences with my friends or with those who are considering going studying to Denmark as well.
Or for the case I am so depressed and I am about to give up. Hope this isn't happen. Must not.

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